To get in touch with a teacher, please refer to the email addresses provided below. Classroom phones will not ring from 8:30 am-3:30 pm. Your call to teachers will go to voice mail during that time frame.

Name | Title/Position | |
Heather Alfred | Art | hjalfred@shelbycs.org |
Allison Anderson | Band Director | alanderson@shelbycs.org |
Jolynn Badgero | Director of Counseling, A-B | jmbadgero@shelbycs.org |
Hailey Balting | Language Arts | hpbalting@shelbycs.org |
Katie Barrett | Attendance | kebarrett@shelbycs.org |
Shelby Bauchert | Social Studies | scbauchert@shelbycs.org |
Vince Bradburn | Social Studies | jvbradburn@shelbycs.org |
Greg Branson | Math | gmbranson@shelbycs.org |
Debbie Brewer | Language Arts | drbrewer@shelbycs.org |
Mark Buschle | Chartwells-District Chef | mebuschle@shelbycs.org |
Whitney Campbell | Word Language-Latin | wacampbell@shelbycs.org |
Sirina Cassidy | Special Education | sncassidy@shelbycs.org |
Tabitha Cole | Engineering & Technology; Math | tlcole@shelbycs.org |
Gregg Cory | Engineering & Technology | gbcory@shelbycs.org |
Ryan Crase | Social Studies | rmcrase@shelbycs.org |
Casey Dake | Head Custodian | cjdake@shelbycs.org |
Amy Dawson | Principal | amdawson@shelbycs.org |
Leslie Decker | Counselor Hp-P | ldecker@shelbycs.org |
Jennifer DeMuth Hensley | Athletic Director | jademuth@shelbycs.org |
Regina Dunn | Special Education | rjdunn@shelbycs.org |
Amanda Eberhart | Science | ajeberhart@shelbycs.org |
Richard Eldridge | Science | raeldridge@shelbycs.org |
Rebecca Elkins | World Language-French | rjelkins@shelbycs.org |
Katie Endris | Language Arts | kaendris@shelbycs.org |
Sara Estes | Athletic Trainer | smestes@shelbycs.org |
Tammy Etter | World Language-Spanish | tketter@shelbycs.org |
Kimberly Ferguson | Math | ksferguson@shelbycs.org |
Zach Ferrenburg | Strength/Conditioning Coach | zsferrenburg@shelbycs.org |
Scott Fitzgerald | Physical Education/Fitness | msfitzgerald@shelbycs.org |
Christina Forey | Language Arts | clforey@shelbycs.org |
Jacqueline Fritz | Language Arts | jmfritz@shelbycs.org |
Renee Gardner | Special Education | rdgardner@shelbycs.org |
Kyle Green | Assistant Principal | kagreen@shelbycs.org |
Diana Griffin | Chartwells-District Dietician | degriffin@shelbycs.org |
Carter Hall | Social Studies | bchall@shelbycs.org |
John Hartnett | Special Education | jahartnett@shelbycs.org |
Shylo Hazelbaker | Special Education | sahazelbaker@shelbycs.org |
Mark Hensley | Business & IT | mehensley@shelbycs.org |
Rebecca Hoefler | Physical Education | rlhoefler@shelbycs.org |
Mattea Holtsclaw | Librarian | mdholtsclaw@shelbycs.org |
AJ Hounshell | Business & IT | ajhounshell@shelbycs.org |
Kaylene Huntsman | Agriscience | khhuntsman@shelbycs.org |
Ramona Johnson | School Psychologist | rsjohnson@shelbycs.org |
Jenn Johnson | Counseling Secretary | jajohnson@shelbycs.org |
Krista Justus | Science/Agriscience | kajustus@shelbycs.org |
Rita Kemple | Special Education/ESL | rlkemple@shelbycs.org |
Joel Kenemore | Music/Choral | jikenemore@shelbycs.org |
Shawna Kitchin | Principal's Administrative Assistant | smkitchin@shelbycs.org |
Darah Knopp | Special Education | diknopp@shelbycs.org |
Brianna Kompara | Assistant Principal | blkompara@shelbycs.org |
Chris Lakes | Special Education | cclakes@shelbycs.org |
Kyleigh Lay | Science | kalay@shelbycs.org |
Leticia Lisby | Chartwells | lllisby@shelbycs.org |
Leigh Lux | Counselor, Q-Z | lmlux@shelbycs.org |
Christopher Lux | Science | chlux@shelbycs.org |
Graycen Martin | Social Studies | ghrmartin@shelbycs.org |
Teresa McNamara | Special Education Resource Room | tamcnamara@shelbycs.org |
Mark Mendoza | Dean of Students | mamendoza@shelbycs.org |
Joshua Merideth | Language Arts | jcmerideth@shelbycs.org |
Ashley Metcalfe | Chartwells Food Services Director | armetcalfe@shelbycs.org |
Valisa Meyer | Special Education | vnmeyer@shelbycs.org |
Corie Mitchell | Chartwells Administrative Assistant | clmitchell@shelbycs.org |
Graham Montgomery | Assistant Band Director | gtmontgomery@shelbycs.org |
Bradley Morgan | Counselor, C-Ho | brmorgan@shelbycs.org |
Andrew Nance | Math | acnance@shelbycs.org |
Arielle Nance | Business & IT | abnance@shelbycs.org |
Ashley Napier | Treasurer | adnapier@shelbycs.org |
Jeremy O'Connor | School Resource Officer | joconnor@shelbycs.org |
Linda Oldham | Special Education Instructional Assistant | lsoldham@shelbycs.org |
Andy Orem | Therapist | aorem@nexusmentalhealth.com |
Lucinda Pettit | JAG | lepettit@shelbycs.org |
Kristiaan Rawlings | Yearbook/Newspaper | karawlings@shelbycs.org |
Natalie Renwick | Art | nlrenwick@shelbycs.org |
Jessica Rochon | Instructional Assistant | jlrochon@shelbycs.org |
Ronisa Ross | Credit Lab | rlross@shelbycs.org |
Jacob Shively | World Language-Spanish | jbshively@shelbycs.org |
Jack Shoaf | Science | jlshoaf@shelbycs.org |
Kayla Sitton | Math | klsitton@shelbycs.org |
Kathy Smith | Life Skills Instructional Assistant | kjsmith@shelbycs.org |
Keshia Southern | Testing Diagnostician | klsouthern@shelbycs.org |
Beth Ann Spence | Special Education IA | baspence@shelbycs.org |
Ben Sprinkle | Health | bwsprinkle@shelbycs.org |
Nate Stonebraker | Science | nrstonebraker@shelbycs.org |
Luke Stout | Math | ldstout@shelbycs.org |
Michaela Strausbaugh | Drama/Theater | mastrausbaugh@shelbycs.org |
Jessica Stull | Social Studies | jmstull@shelbycs.org |
Kimberly Thurston | FACS | kathurston@shelbycs.org |
Dinora Torres | ENL Instructional Assistant | dgtorres@shelbycs.org |
Doug Uehling | Language Arts | dhuehling@shelbycs.org |
Natalia Ulloa | Student Achievement Center Instructor | nrulloa@shelbycs.org |
Steven vonWerder | World Language-Japanese | sevonwerder@shelbycs.org |
Renee Walsh | English | rrwalsh@shelbycs.org |
Coen Weiler | Math/Assistant Athletic Director | crweiler@shelbycs.org |
John Werbe | Special Education | jfwerbe@shelbycs.org |
Miranda Wethington | School Nurse | mlwethington@shelbycs.org |
Chasity Wilson | Athletic Trainer | crwilson@shelbycs.org |
Evan Wilson | Social Studies | emwilson@shelbycs.org |
Ken Wilson | Math | kawilson@shelbycs.org |
Isabel Wood | Speech Pathologist | irwood@shelbycs.org |
Melissa Wright | Custodian | mkwright@shelbycs.org |
Rick Zimny | Math | rdzimny@shelbycs.org |